When we look at the current trend of the Federal Government
they have gotten out of the business of funding large infrastructure project in United States. The current US Secretary of Transportation has had pressure put on him to
make the budget for infrastructure funding even smaller at the state level.
Programs like “safe routes to schools” and “National Transportation Alternative
Clearinghouse” have been cut back drastically and are leaving the majority of
the free money for investment in the programs that support bike and pedestrian
infrastructure gone. This brings into to question whether our growing
population of bikers in Portland will slowly begin to decline and our goals of becoming
“Bike City, USA” will disappear as well.
The Solution:
In our current budget
there are many restrictive factors tying our state funds to other projects. With
education, traffic infrastructure, public safety being a few the state is on the hook for
a lot of funds and struggling to remain afloat. The Federal specific funds had
enabled the state of Oregon to invest in bike and pedestrian with little effort and no change to our general fund are on the way out. With this being said it
is time for use to make take the lead and pick up the programs at a state level that
are good for the state and the overall bike and pedestrian environment. This
could also mean expanding requirements of new development to include desired
bike and pedestrian features as well as allotting funds from the general budget for expansion of these amenities.
General Fund and Lottery Funds
Total: $14.8 Billion | Total Education: $7.4 Billion
Source: Legislative Fiscal Office
Looking to the grants that come to the state with no strings
attached from the federal government and how the funding is spent normally shows that these funds do not normally make their way to
non-motorized development. This is a strong indicator that the state needs to
re-evaluate the worth of these programs. Then to make decision to fund even if from the states general budget and have goals that ave inbuilt accountable for the
percentages of funds that are to making their way to these programs. While we have
seen major development for bikes happen within Portland (four fold growth since 1990 [3]) to meet the 2030
Bicycle Plans goals of having 25% of all trips in the city be by bikes more
work is needed. The large jump of funding on the chart seen below is due to the
Recovery Act that allotted one time funds and some made their way to bike
and pedestrian development. Now that these funds have been spent we need to
decide how to fund these programs.
Fig. 2. Annual federal funding for
cycling and walking, 1988–2009.
Sources: USDOC,
2009, USDOC,
2010a and Statistics
Canada, 2010; and injury data collected by the authors directly from the
case study cities.
We can see that we have a good share of bikers on our roads in
comparison to other cities as well as a relatively small number of fatalities.
This trend has been attributes to the large amounts of bike planning and
development of our bike networks. Without access to funding sources we will
eventually reach capacity for some of these facilities, some people think we
are already there at least in the summer, and this will lead to a decline in
the safety. “The cornerstone of Portland’s policy package is the steadily
expanding and improving bikeway network, consisting of bike paths and lanes as
well as superbly designed bike boulevards through residential neighborhoods.
The city has continuously improved the safety, convenience, and connectivity of
its bikeways. Every year, many intersections are redesigned by installing bike
boxes (advance stop lines), priority signage, and advance green lights for
cyclists. [3]” There has been a new bike tax proposed but this will still leave
us short of the amount of funds needed for expansion of bike infrastructure.
With the funding sources for these programs at the axe what
can be done beyond just the state stepping in to supplement funding? If we look to
the idea of crowdsourcing it is becoming more and more popular in many
different fields. Portland States own Ethan Seltzer recently published an
article about crowdsourcing’s importance to the field of planning [2]. If we
are creative though we can find a way to connect crowdsourcing to funding of infrastructure
projects especially ones that are close to peoples residences. Members of the
community are stake holders in development of projects and some projects have
found a way to have them be financial providers as well.
There is a new pedestrian walkway in Rotterdam, Netherland
that recently had success with this model. “The walkway’s length, they were warned,
depended on the volume of donations. Within three months do-gooders had stumped
up a third of the cash needed to build its full 350-metre span (a government
award has since topped that up). Had they left council bean-counters to plan
it, says Kristian Koreman, its architect, Rotterdam’s residents might have
waited two decades to get their bridge off the ground. [1].” Keeping this in mind if the state took up some
of the old role of the federal government by being the 50%-60% backer then
individual cities with the help of citizens could possibly raise the remaining
funds needed to expand some programs.
By involving a crowdsourcing method as well the individual
cities would open themselves to a much larger pool of creativity when looking
to the solving of some infrastructure projects. It all starts with the State
making choices on the areas that they think are worth investing in, or channeling
federal funds in these directions. We can hope to take notes from other
European Nations or creative ways to bring the bikes home to Portland.
[1] "Civic Crowdfunding Breaking Ground." The
Economist 18 May 2013: 66-67.http://www.economist.com/. The Economist. Web. 6 June 2013.
[2] Seltzer, Ethan, and Dillion Mahmoudi. "Citizen
Participation, Open Innovation, and Crowdsourcing: Challenges and Opportunities
for Planning." Journal of Planning Literature 28
(2013): 3-18. Sage Journals. Web.
6 May 2013. <http://jpl.sagepub.com.proxy.lib.pdx.edu/content/28/1/3.full.pdf+html>.
[3] Pucher, John, Ralph Buehler, and Mark Seinen.
"Bicycling Renaissance In North America? An Update And Re-Appraisal Of
Cycling Trends And Policies." Transportation Research Part A: Policy & Practice 45.6 (2011): 451-475. Environment Complete.
Web. 4 June 2013.
The method and trend of Business Grants which is provided by the government its really a good job by them , it may improve and expand your business globally. if the person want it and adopt it it may become a better choice .